Since 1946, Rolmaster Conveyors has been designing, building and maintaining conveyor solutions and materials handling equipment for a wide range of industrial manufacturing sectors. From roller belts, chain or wire mesh conveyors to complex lifts, turntable and transfer systems. All products are designed and manufactured at their facility in Cambridge, Ontario. Rolmaster Conveyors has been using SOLIDWORKS since 2004 and DriveWorks from 2008.
Paul Del Net, Senior Engineer at Rolmaster talks about the productivity gains using DriveWorks…
“A new template for a new conveyor standard will take me a few days once all the modelling is done and verified for use with DriveWorks”
Paul used to spend between 30-45 minutes creating a variation of a design. However, by using SOLIDWORKS and DriveWorks, it now takes Paul “20 seconds to enter the data, 5 minutes to print”. As well as this, they also use a “Pack & Go” directory to move new files to the correct directories. Due to the nature of the product being automated using DriveWorks, the possible number of variations produced is unlimited.
Paul has managed to share his products that he has automated using DriveWorks with his colleagues who also use SOLIDWORKS, making the flow of work throughout the company more seamless and more time effective.
Paul is “currently automating all of [their] standard product lines”.
Time Saving Metrics
Previous system = 30-45 minutes
Using DriveWorks = 20 seconds
Learn more about automating the design of conveyors
Here is a short video that shows how easy it is to configure the route of a conveyor system using DriveWorks:
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