The Javelin Online Live Training (JOLT) is an opportunity for users to learn the SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD program from their work location. I participated in Javelin’s SOLIDWORKS Essentials JOLT training course a few weeks ago in order to become more knowledgeable with SOLIDWORKS so that I could complete projects regarding sustainability and environmental analysis. After completing six sessions (3 days a week, 5 hours a day for two weeks) from the comfort of my own home, I was able to manipulate, create and analyze 3D solid models using SOLIDWORKS.
Taking the Training
The JOLT course was instructed by Aditya Chandurkar, a certified SOLIDWORKS instructor, who was located in Vancouver. One of the fascinating things about the course was that I was taking the class with other trainees from Ontario, Saskatchewan, Virginia, Michigan, and Manitoba. Javelin provided me with a very nice USB headset and the SOLIDWORKS Essentials training manual in advance. I had the current release of SOLIDWORKS on my laptop set up, so I grabbed a cup of coffee and was ready to go. I also needed to install the Go-to Training software to participate in the training.
The course began on a Monday and Aditya described the outline of the course, I was definitely a little bit nervous about how complicated the course was going to be and whether I was going to fall behind. I am not an engineer and had no previous experience of any kind of 3D modeling software. Despite this, the first few days of the course went really well and I felt quite satisfied with how well I was completing the exercises.
Live help when I needed it
Challenges showed up a few days into the course when I was definitely having some trouble making sure my geometric drawings were completely defined and ready for extrusion into a 3D model. This difficulty was resolved quickly as Aditya helped me through it, by illustrating on his screen how to fully define some of the drawings and making sure that it was completely clear to the class. By the time we were going over the final lessons regarding assemblies, I felt very comfortable with the speed of the course and the past content from the week.
One thing I noticed while taking the JOLT course was that getting help was very accessible and troubleshooting issues became quite easy. This was due in part to Aditya always asking the class if there were any questions, always scheduling a sufficient amount of time for practice and having the navigable course manual on hand.
I also realized the environmental benefit of taking the course. Instead of driving my car and commuting to a training session, I was able to stay at home and reduce my carbon footprint and the overall impact on the environment. This is especially true for some of those who may have to make a long distance trip to take the training course. This would entail flights, hotels, restaurants and transportation to and from the session every day. Taking the JOLT course reduces these carbon-intensive activities.
A fresh perspective to Online Learning
The JOLT course gave me a perspective on this type of online learning. I recently graduated from the University of Guelph and during my time there I took a number of online courses. Javelin’s JOLT course was probably the most interactive and organized online course I have ever taken. Overall it was a very good experience for me.
The ability to collaborate with the instructor and other trainees to solve problems and work through exercises is a very nice change from monotonous readings and fast-paced lessons found in other online courses
For more information on JOLT training please visit:
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